Okay gun, no jams ever but very wobbly body. |
September 23, 2017 |
Alexander Lee from Ridgefield, WA United States
Bought this kit about 6 months ago. Built with lower Anderson stripped receiver. Assembled myself gun ever and first round in chamber shot and the others followed. Not one jam yet after 600 rounds! shooting American eagle, federal, wolf steel and brass case, tillamook. inAt first few shots, the disconnecter spring was a tad hard, so one trigger pull launched two shots, so switched to softer spring. Along with that, good is in good working condition. One of my biggest complaint is probably how loose everything fits, from handguards to lower receiver with upper, and even the stock. Everything is wobbly. Probably won't buy this kit anymore due this issue. Also this kit is cheaper on primary arms and psa, almost 100 dollars cheaper.
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