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YHM Flip Up Rear Sight

Flip Up Rear Sight
Flip Up Rear Sight
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Our Price: $95.50
Sale Price: $84.70
You save $10.80!

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

Product Code: ST1000

Steel base and aluminum stem
1/2 MOA
Mounts to picatinny rail
Made by YHM

Locks in the up position
Only .840" high when folded
Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Very reliable January 12, 2009
Reviewer: Jeff from Mississippi  
I put this sight on a 16" rifle that has a flip up front sight (DT2001). I have found this sight to be solid and reliable. I use it as a backup iron sight and I use a EOTech 552.A65 as my main sight. either sight will put rounds on steel plates at 300 yards. I highly recommend this sight

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