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Carbine-Length Free-Float Quad-Rail Handguards

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AR-15 YHM Barrel Nut YHM SLR-Quad Series Carbine Forearm 7.28"
YHM Barrel Nut
Our Price: $35.25
Sale Price: $32.95
You save $2.30!
YHM SLR-Quad Series Carbine Forearm 7.28"
Our Price: $160.40
Sale Price: $105.55
You save $54.85!
This barrel nut will work with all YHM free float forearms.
YHM Slim Free Float Tube

As gun technology has improved over the years, the biggest refinement since smokeless powder is the free-floating barrel. In other words, nothing touches the barrel past the receiver. This improves accuracy because the furniture does not tug the barrel out of alignment. Those who demand sub-MOA groups can see the difference on the range. When money, trophies and bragging rights are on the line, fractions of an inch are important. Keep that barrel free with Del-Ton's carbine-length free-float quad rail. Choose from Pic rails or KeyMod so you can customize it. Add an end cap to the carbine-length free-floating quad rails for AR 15 to protect the handguard from being dented when you are working hard. The 7-inch free-float quad rail is perfect for short-barrel applications and red-dot optics. These handguards fit over any AR platform application. Multi-gun enthusiasts appreciate the slim design and ability to customize accessories even in field conditions.